Thursday, 31 March 2011

Why Blog?

Blogging is the 21st century's way of writing a diary. We were asked as an ICT elective to start a blog. This wasn't to be just an online diary, we were to use it as a reflective tool. It was hoped that it would aid our learning.

A recent report into teacher education stated that teaching students should be reflective as it makes them better teachers. Donaldson (2010) To read the whole report online click here.

On reflection I have found the blogging experience a good reflection tool. I was very hesitant at first. I don't mind reflecting but was worried about putting so much of myself online. The Learning Curve Education provide information and resources for education on how to protect yourself online.

Throughout the process I have found it a great way to keep track of my learning. I can easily find the film I created months ago or a link to a relevant website in a few easy clicks. It was also a good tool to look back at how far I have come. My professional development during this module has impressed myself. I can now find make links for articles online. Like this one for a journal article into using blogs to enhance critical reflection and community of practice amongst teachers.

The other blogging I took part in was Tecno Teddy Bear. This was a collaborative online blog to record the activities of teddy exchange bears. Our lecturers set up a bear exchange with other countries. We sent a bear abroad and they sent a bear to us. We were paired in small groups with nursery children, university students, primary children and qualified teachers.

I have enjoyed this blog as I found it very interactive. Some students have not found it as enjoyable and worthwhile as I have.  Unfortunately they have not had regular feedback from their teddy. If you look on the tecno teddy bear blog, click on the tag AUSTRIA on the right hand side you will see that the nursery and my group have been very good at updating the blog with teddys travels.

My group was split over two electives but even so we managed to work collaboratively together. We each had our own roles and worked together to create interesting blogs for the nursery children. Collaborative working has shown to aid children's learning. On Learning Teaching Scotland there are articles on sharing good practice click here. Linking with other schools has been going on for years but now with the advancements in technology it is quicker and easier to communicate.

I believe the reason I got more than some out of the teddy blog was because there was two way conversation. Blogs allow you to see who had commented on a blog or posted easily.

Please have a read of the tecno teddy blog as I think it is an example of good practice within teacher education.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad to see you can reflect on the benefits of keeping a blog and hopefully you will continue throughout your professional developemnt to map your career journey. What you might want to start doing is giving a little more reflection on the areas you link to as it gives the reader a little insight into your thoughts on various areas or aspects.

    Now the bear blog, yes the two way conversation makes this an excellent tool for communication with others. You need to ensure you keep contact with your partners as they will be valuable for future placements or when you have your own class.
